Who We Are
The Happy Valley - Goose Bay SPCA is a non-profit animal care facility that is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and Executive, with the assistance of supporters & volunteers, who strive to keep our shelter doors open.
We service ALL of Labrador and offer the following:
* We operate a shelter for animals that are lost, abandoned or given up for adoption;
* We educate the public in the proper care of animals
* We find suitable and loving homes for the many abandoned, abused and unwanted animals;
* We keep computerized records of all adoptions, surrender of animals, etc.;
* We also accept lost and found animals and make every attempt to re-unite these animals with their owners.
The Happy Valley - Goose Bay SPCA is mainly funded through our adoptions, proceeds from fundraising events, donations made by the generosity of the general public and a yearly provincial grant.. Costs are substantial, and your help is very much appreciated.
Current Executive:
Lee Hill - President/Shelter Director
Nelson Green - Vice-president
- Treasurer
Alan Lawrie- Secretary
Julia Kelland
Rebecca Jackson
Kim Slaney
Rachael Jararuse
Kai Parsons
Jacqueline Kenny
Courtney Roberts
Megan Hanarhan
Meredith Purcell
Shannon Stewart
Facebook: Happy Valley Goose Bay SPCA
Instagram: hvgb_spca
Charitable Registration #838619328RR0001

We are a proud member of SPCA NL.
If you wish to make a donation via Paypal, Mastercard or Visa, please click the link below.